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Can you overcome fear?

When we first started dreaming about living on the road fulltime, many fears and doubts came to the surface. What will happen if I leave my job? How will we pay for health insurance? What if we run out of money while on the road? What’s going to happen if we can’t...

Why we’re Selling Our Home and Moving into an RV full-time

When doubt began to rear its ugly head... Questions started rolling in. Are we sure moving into an RV full-time is for us? What if we end up hating this lifestyle? How crazy does our family think we are?  How will we ever find neighbors as good as the ones we have...

Half a world away

I'm not really sure what this post will be about or why I feel like I need to write it. I wrote down a goal earlier this month "write a blog post about Korea this month". So here I am, on the 31st, buckling down and hoping it will make sense. Growing up, people would...